The meeting was held at Kirkpatrick (MC’s house) and opened at 3pm. In attendance :Margaret Chapman, Judi Johnson, Judith Cockburn, Linda Cork, Judy Norman, Wendy Shepherd, Penny Vernon and Pete Philpott. 1 Apologies: Helen Whitehead. The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signedoff by the Chair. 2 No matters arising 3 Treasurers Report from JJ – The last coffee morning held on 4thFebruary raised a total of £124 minus the £15 room hire meant that both the Events Committee and the Church each received £54.50. The committee has now purchased a new sound system for the Film Club costing £189. The balance in the Bank Account was £1289.38 up to 10th February 2017. Judi presented and explained a profit and loss spreadsheet for Q1 (01/10/2016 – 31/12/2016). 4 Feedback from: Coffee Morning – in February was a slow start but picked up later. WS reported that the tablecloths are now to be kept in the schoolroom again. Quiz Night – WS, was very successful and made £112 profit, very well attended. Clock Winders Gift – PP, Olivia is still to organize and donations are still coming in. The Events Committee donated £25. A further update will be given later. Dog Fouling Signs – MC, to order 2 more. Village Signs – WS, The new sign on the main road by Ward’s was now complete and the old sign is to be removed shortly. HW has agreed to plant and look after the flowers at this sign. The sign at Hackforth Road would be replaced shortly. The old sign at the “Bedale” entrance to the Village requires replacing as it is not reflective and is missed by motorists at the moment. Flower Bed Signs – WS, the committee resolved to approve the expenditure for the purchase of signs saying “Thank You for Respecting our Wild Flowers”, in the hope that the Contractors will not cut them down when mowing the grass. MC to purchase. ACTION - JAC to send a letter of thanks to Ward’s and A12LB team for the signs. (WS to liaise) 5 Activities and Events for the rest of 2017 – ALL Carol Singing –Saturday 16th December @ 6pm. (New hymn sheets have now been purchased) Bulb Planting – Saturday 14th October @ 10am Wild Seed Meadow – Saturday 22nd April @ 10am. Murder Mystery - at Hackforth Village Hall, some time on October. PV to liaise with Andrew Bull for secure a date. Wine Tasting – February 2018 (date to be arranged later), maximum numbers 40. Beetle Drive with Supper – in The Green Tree on Friday 8th September @7pm, WS to confirm with Bryan. Village Show – Saturday 15th July @ 10am. Ceilidh – 3rd or 10th June? WS to find out who might run this and when they are available. 6 Soup for the Parish Council Litter Pick– Parish Council have arranged a litter pick on 8th April and asked if the Events Committee will provide soup and rolls again. Plenty of volunteers, although it was agreed that the Council should pay for the refreshments not the Events Committee. 7 Newsletter – PV, the next newsletter would be issued in April with a deadline of mid-March for items to be included. SP to provide a recipe for this issue. 8 Film Club Feedback – PP, The last film show was in January when the new equipment was used. This worked well and was much easier to set up. PP set the date for the next film club group meeting at Tuesday 21st March to agree on the next set of films. The renewal of the license to be put on the next meeting’s Agenda. 9 Parish Council matters – PP, update on the village flagpole, following the public consultation there were 3 people against the flagpole and I response in favour. 10 Village Show & BBQ–MC, presented the ideas discussed and agreed at the meeting held on 6th February. The Committee agreed that the newsletter and advertising would go out in April. Councilor Andrew Bull has agreed to open the show and present the prizes. The Committee agreed to auction off the produce at the end of the show. The Committee agreed to provide the judges with a free BBQ following the show as a thank you for their time. The Children’s class would be: A garden on a plate (up to 12” diameter) and Art – a portrait of a person or animal. The age groups would be under 7’s/ 7-11/ 11-16. More details to be discussed in the next meeting. 11 70’s Night –WS. It had already been agreed that maximum tickets numbers for sale would be 40. Members to arrive at the Green Tree at 7pm to set up before the 7:30pm start. All to bring a raffle prize and photo of themselves from the 70’s. Deadline for tickets is Monday 6th March as Bryan needs numbers for catering.70’s dress code is optional. Bryan may need help to serve the food on the night. 12 Bedale Library – PV, has suggested that we hold an extra coffee morning to raise funds for the Bedale Library as from 1st April this will be run by volunteers only. The Committee agreed and set a date of Saturday 27th May. Penny will lead. 13 A.O.B. – ALL, WS read out a thank you letter from PB Parish Council for our financial help to refurbish the Phonebox. Carol sheets – LC has now purchased the Carol sheets for the Christmas Carol singing to be used in December. Lower Dales Village Hall – WS, Our website has a link to the Lower Dales Village Hall website so that people can see what is happening in the area. Also our event dates will be on their website. 14 Date of next meeting The next Committee meeting was arranged for 27thMarch As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 5pm. .
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The Events CommitteeWe meet bi-monthly to organise both social and fund raising activities in our village. Thanks for your support at our events. Archives
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