Minutes from Meeting held on 3rd May 2017
The meeting was held at 3 Pasture’s Green (Judith’s house) and opened at 3pm. In attendance : Margaret Chapman, Judith Cockburn, Linda Cork, Wendy Shepherd and Pete Philpott. 1 Apologies: Judi Johnson, Penny Vernon, Helen Whitehead and Judy Norman. The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signed off by the Chair. 2 Matters arising – none 3 Treasurers Report from JJ – Not available as Judi is currently away. 4 Feedback from: Coffee Morning/ Rota – in April was run by the Church ladies and was very busy. Clear up at the Village sign, photo shoot –the sign is looking much better. The Darlington & Stockton Times published a photo and a short piece about the new sign but unfortunately omitted to mention the involvement of the Events Committee, it intimated that it was solely carried out by the Parish Council. WS and JAC will write a letter to D & S outlining their disappointment. Flower Bed Signs – Two Wild Flower beds are now planted and a special thank you goes to David Chapman for making the signs which are now in situ. Linda and Wendy to plant up the Bedale end and then arrange for the Hackforth end to be done once the new sign is up. 5 Village Show – WS, The Schedules have been distributed as agreed previously and Walter has also agreed to make a couple of signs advertising the Village Show. The Committee agreed to send a letter to all judges confirming their invitation to judge and to invite them to stay for the BBQ after the show has finished. JAC will send out a letter of thanks following the event. It was agreed that JAC will purchase 28 sets of rosettes from Prudhoe Rosettes at a cost of 53p each. BBQ to be organized next meeting. 6 Newsletter – PV, although Penny was unavailable she did send some notes with Linda. April newsletter went out slightly later than usual and both Penny and Linda are away until the 23rd May so the next newsletter will go out in June. All contributions to be received by the end of May along with a recipe please. WS mentioned that the Gateway Magazine had published the incorrect details of our elected Committee members so she would contact to ask them to correct this as well as the correct details for the Craft afternoon. 7 Film Club Feedback/ License Renewal – PP, Pete said that there were not large numbers attending the film evenings so wondered about being more proactive to advertise (within legal parameters!). Pete was to ask people at the coffee morning for their emails to send a reminder round hoping to get more interest. The Committee agreed to this initiative. The license has been renewed. 8 Parish Council matters –PP, Pete mentioned the Annual Parish meeting and Annual Council meeting on 10th May. He said that included on the Agenda was the refurbishment of the Bus Shelter and the signage for the Defibrillator in the phone box. He encouraged anyone interested in having a say to attend. 9 Coffee morning for Bedale Library – PV, will take place on 27th May 10 – 12 noon as usual in the old schoolroom. Sue Perkins from the Library would like a table at the back of the room for a book stall. The Library would organize the flyers advertising the coffee morning for us to distribute by 19th May. The volunteers would also bring a banner and leaflets on the day, along with the raffle prizes. Sue Perkins will arrive at approx. 9:15 on the day, her contact number is: 450301. Baking: WS - Chocolate Brownies (will give to Mags) JAC – Blueberry Scones MC – Cheese Scones *CAN EVERYONE LET PENNY KNOW WHAT THEY WILL BE BAKING PLEASE* WS will put out Coffee morning signs and JAC will collect them back in. 10 Event Committee e-mail address – WS The email address was now up and running: [email protected] (using google chrome) Password was distributed to those at the meeting. It was agreed that everyone should take a turn at checking the messages for a month and report back at the next meeting. Rota so Far: May – Judith C June – Linda July – Wendy August – Mags September – Pete 12 Organsation and dates for other PB Community Events in 2017 - ALL, Ceildih/ Barn Dance – It was agreed to be held in October, WS to ask Hackforth Village Hall Committee for their available dates. MC to contact band. Murder Mystery – there may be a contact in Newton le Willows, more to be discussed later... To discuss again next month. 13 A.O.B. – ALL, WS confirmed that the Public Liability Insurance was renewed via Coversure in Bedale at a cost of £229.24. WS and JAC to write a letter to D & S. Walter has mentioned that PB events are never mentioned in the D & S and could we do anything about this? This will be added to the letter also. 14 Date/ location of next meeting – The next Committee meeting was arranged for 5th June 2017 at Helen Whitehead’s house (Butterwell Farm) at 3pm As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 4:50pm.
Minutes from Meeting held on 27th March 2017
The meeting was held at Rose Cottage (Penny and Linda’s house) and opened at 3pm. In attendance : Margaret Chapman, Judi Johnson, Judith Cockburn, Linda Cork, Judy Norman, Wendy Shepherd, Penny Vernon and Helen Whitehead. 1 Apologies: Pete Philpott. The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signed off by the Chair. 2 Matters arising – a note from the Chair to record that people helped clear the new sign area on 8th March. Thanks to those who attended - it has made a big difference. 3 Treasurers Report from JJ – The 70’s night made a loss of £5.10 but this was offset by the purchase of baskets which will be re-used in future events. The raffle made £100 on the night which subsidized the ticket price. The balance in the Bank Account was £1063.18. 4 Feedback from: Coffee Morning/ Rota – in March was very busy. It was agreed that the amount of milk required needed to be increased to 8 pints. JAC to update the Coffee Morning details. Clear up at the Village sign –was very well attended brambles/ weeds cleared and the village sign planted up. LC to arrange a photo shoot with the D and S. Dog Fouling Signs – MC, looked at the price and it was decided not to purchase any more. PV would add a reminder regarding dog fouling in the next newsletter. Flower Bed Signs – MC, has looked online but not managed to find any suitable signs. David Chapman has agreed to make these for us. The committee agreed to this suggestion. Village Signs - WS, The old signs are scheduled to be taken away and the new sign on Hackforth Road is scheduled to be erected as soon as possible. Film Night Selection – PV, had a meeting and made a list of 10 films (more recent films) To liaise with PP for the order. 70’s Night – WS, was a great success and very well attended. Bryan and Carol said they would be happy to have another event at the pub in the future. 5 Village Show – ALL, The committee agreed that a letter to the Chair of PB Parish Council should be sent to the Clerk asking if the chair would open the village show. JAC to send asap. The Schedule was amended and agreed, MC to update and send to everyone. The Entry forms were discussed and agreed, WS to complete and send to everyone. It was agreed that a SAE should be included in all entries received so that tickets could be sent out to entrants. The timings of the day were agreed. The Committee agreed to distribute Entry Forms to Newton le Willows, Crakehall Filling Station, PB Bus Shelter, the Weighouse in Bedale and St Patrick’s Church, Patrick Brompton. Also each Committee member would have copies to hand out as required. It was agreed that we produce posters advertising the Show in the surrounding area. Judges had been agreed for all categories. 6 Soup for the Parish Council Litter Pick– Parish Council have arranged a litter pick on 8th April. PB Parish Council has arranged for the soup and rolls. 7 Newsletter – PV, the next newsletter would be issued in April. GS and LC to look at having an email address on the website for people to contact the Committee. 8 Film Club Feedback/ License Renewal – WS, The last film show took £20. The license is due for renewal in May, PP to bring the renewal letter to the next meeting. The Committee agreed that there should be no films shown in July and August. 9 Parish Council matters – as PP was not at the meeting there was no Parish Council update. 10 Bedale Library – PV, will take place on 27th May 10 – 12 noon as usual in the old schoolroom. Sue Perkins from the Library would like a table at the back of the room. Penny had arranged a meeting with Sue Perkins on 26th April to discuss. 11 Summer Seed Purchase - The Committee agreed to purchase seeds and compost for the planting to be held on Saturday 22nd April at 10am meeting at the Bus Shelter. It was agreed to purchase 8 boxes as last year, HW agreed to purchase. 12 Organization and dates for other PB Community Events in 2017 - ALL, Ceildih/ Barn Dance – WS and JAC to ask contacts. Murder Mystery – on hold at the moment due to illness. Quiz Night – Grahame and Woody are happy to hold another event in November. To discuss again next month. 13 A.O.B. – ALL, JJ informed the Committee that the Public Liability Insurance is due for renewal on 30th April, WS to look at quotes for Zurich Insurance. The Notice Board in the Bus Shelter, PV said she was happy to update this and keep it tidy. 14 Date/ location of next meeting – The next Committee meeting was arranged for 3rd May 2017 at Judith C house (3 Pastures Green) at 3pm As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 5pm. |
The Events CommitteeWe meet bi-monthly to organise both social and fund raising activities in our village. Thanks for your support at our events. Archives
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