Patrick Brompton Community Events Committee. 25.7.16
The meeting was held at The Haybarn and opened at 3pm. In attendance : Margaret Chapman, Judith Cockburn, Linda Cork, Judy Norman, Pete Philpott, Sue Philpott, Wendy Shepherd, Helen Whitehead. Apologies from: Judi Johnson and Penny Vernon The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signed off by the Chair. The treasurer sent apologies and the information that our current balance stands at £762 with Village Hall booking fees paid up until July 16. The committee asked if a detailed statement of position could be provided for the next meeting. How much was raised at the July Coffee Morning Judi? Matters arising: None. Coffee Morning Feedback It’s working well. If scones are sold to take away, the charge will be 4 for £1.00. Don’t forget to buy milk and provide a float sufficient for raffle and main stall. Teams please tell JJ if something is running short. CAN THE BUNTING (IN BOX) BE PUT OUT FOR EVERY COFFEE MORNING PLEASE?) Judith C and Helen W explained that they have pledged to raise funds for the Wensleydale Railway and asked if the Village’s half of the funds could be donated from one future coffee morning to support their fundraising. This was agreed subject to advertising of the good cause by HW and JC. To be finalized at next mtg? It was agreed that the committee would help organise a dedicated Coffee Morning for WR at Newton - JC to book hall. Spending Plans Phone Box At the last meeting it had been agreed to donate £200 towards the cost of refurbishing the phone box. The Parish Council will also make a contribution. There had been various offers of help with painting the box once the sandblasting had cleaned it, which the PC were happy to accept at their last meeting. The Parish Council is exploring a plan to move the defibrillator into the phone box – a well lit and more accessible home for it. Additional uses for the box were discussed including store for local walk leaflets, book and plant exchanges, information / business cards. This will be followed up at the next meeting. Flagpole Cllr Bull reported to the PC that there had been requests and offers of donations towards a village flagpole. The committee offered support to the project – possibly the purchase of a flag – but had concerns about the potential noise nuisance of the lanyard/flag depending on the site chosen. The Church yard was suggested. Planters Cllr Shepherd had approached North Yorkshire Highways on our behalf with regard to the purchase of planters for the entrances to the village. It would appear though, that such planters would not be permitted. Any form of planting including the red, white and blue plants, currently looking so welcoming, requires a Planting Licence from NYCC Highways. The meeting was informed that the PC has asked for the relevant forms to make an application for a Planting Licence. However, the meeting was told – planters were deemed too dangerous to passing traffic and would not be permissible even with a Planting License. It was suggested that we offer a contribution towards a more unique village sign - WS to pass on to GS. It was noted that the wild flowers planted within the village earlier this year looked very attractive but perhaps signage was needed for next year to prevent accidental strimming of seedlings. Patrick Brompton Newsletter Thanks Mags for the recipe for September. Film Night Barry, Grahame and Nigel have offered to go to the setting up of the next film night and be trained. PP will check with the rotary Club (Mr Blackwood) where equipment is stored, how it is accessed and when it should be returned. Also what the insurance position is if stored overnight. (PP to feed back at next meeting) N.B. PP will not be available for the August film night but will put in place plans for the smooth running of that event – arrange cover, collection and return of equipment and ensure all is ready. Andrew, Pete, Barry and Penny will meet to choose the films up to Christmas. (possibly at Andrew’s house?) PP will call Andrew and other members to make arrangements. It was agreed to make a £50 donation to the Rotary Club. Penny has bought Mr Blackwood a bottle of red wine, which she gave him at the June showing, to thank him personally for his support. The next 3 films will be:
BBQ Feedback Everyone - plus husbands were thanked for their hard work. It was a fabulous event. There was much discussion on the reasons for fewer numbers this year. It was decided to hold the 2017 BBQ at the same venue on Saturday 15th July but starting at 3pm. It was also decided to offer a pick up service for chairs to save people carrying them and/or committee members to provide additional chairs for those too infirm to carry them to the venue. LC to write up the event for the website and issue early notice for next year. Murder Mystery Night WS gave out tickets for each member to sell. Notify WS of tickets sold at the next meeting. Additional tickets available from WS. An 'up market' raffle will be run. Please start collecting prizes. PV will ask Mathew (son) to print posters. Next Events
Parish Council matters- PP stated that the majority of matters dealt with at the last PC meeting had been covered during this meeting. It was asked that PP make a report of our meetings to the PC and that our contribution to village events and projects is acknowledged. N.B. Carol Singing Friday 16th Dec – meet at Manor Green. time tbc. End in The Green Tree (WS will ask Brian if this is OK) The meeting closed at 4.30pm, with thanks to Helen. Next Meeting: Monday 22nd August 2016, 3.00pm at Sue P’s house. Judith C will minute the next meeting in the absence of Linda.
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