Patrick Brompton Community Events Committee Minutes 22.08.2016
The meeting was held at 2 East View and opened at 3pm. 1. Apologies & Approval of minutes of last meeting In attendance : Margaret Chapman, Judith Cockburn, Pete Philpott, Sue Philpott, Wendy Shepherd, Penny Vernon, Helen Whitehead. Judi Johnson. Apologies from: Linda Cork Judy Norman The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signed off by the Chair. 2. Matters arising. • An extra coffee morning: at Newton Le Willows Village Hall to raise funds for the Wensleydale Railway was agreed, the date of 22nd October was to be booked by JAC before the next meeting. • Flagpole: nothing to report until after the next Parish Council meeting. • Planters: GS to arrange a meeting with Steve Mason to discuss. • 70s Night WS not yet spoken to Bryan. • Bulbs: No update as yet, to discuss at next meeting. All to look for bulb prices. 3. Treasurer’s Report – JJ JJ presented a report of figures to date. (Please find a copy of the figures in the attached documents). Our Net profit this year (Jan-Aug) is £842 of which £481 is funds from the AD. We have committed to a donation of £25 to the Rotary for the loan of film equipment and also a donation of £200 towards the refurbishment of the Phone box. Thank you to JJ for preparing and presenting the Treasurers Report. 4. Feedback from Coffee Morning in August Things seem to be running smoothly with no problems. HW asked if we could clarify the mug situation? The feedback was that people preferred mugs and that there were not enough. WS to contact Elaine Bean for more information. HW offered to get them if required. 5. Spending plans – Any further purchases? Bulbs: WS has taken photographs of the Village last spring to see where the bulbs situated and will identify “gaps” in readiness for the bulb planting being held in October. To be discussed further in the next meeting. WS to cancel hall which was booked for soup, which we have decided not to provide. 6. Film Night future plans- WS PP reported that it had been agreed that we would use the film equipment from Newton Le Willows free of charge going forward. PP to organize people to set up for this Friday (GS & NC) WS to write a thank you letter to Ken Blackwood and send with a cheque for £25 to the Rotary Club. 7. Progress on choosing films - PP PP to organize a meeting on 8th September to agree future films and provide a list to PV for the Newsletter. 8. Murder Mystery Night - incl. progress report on ticket sales everyone (sell at Sept event?) WS confirmed that we were able to use the left over bread buns from the BBQ, these are in Wendy’s freezer. So approx. 39 tickets have been sold. More details to be discussed in next month’s meeting. Please could everyone look out for good quality raffle prizes. 9. Requests for events – progress/update Quiz Night: Grahame and Woody to organize in January 2017, no date as yet. Wine Tasting: to discuss next meeting. Murder Mystery Night – PV will have a poster made for the next coffee morning. Beetle Drive: planned for 11th November. Hilary Clark to be invited to the next meeting to discuss. Music/ 70’s Night: PB Village Hall on 11th March 2017. It was questioned whether we required a Music License? PP to investigate and report back at the next meeting. LC to ask if Newton has a Music License and report back at the next meeting. 10. Recipe for next newsletter please SP has provided a recipe for the next Newsletter – thank you. Any further Xmas recipes welcome. 11. Parish Council - any items for their next meeting to Pete as our ‘rep’ PP to present a report of Events Committee activities at the next Parish Council meeting. 12. Any Other Business Xmas Fayre: to take place on 26th November. PV to speak with JN and inform the church members that the Events Committee were happy to help with baking/ serving teas if required. 13. Date /location next meeting The meeting concluded at 4.15pm, with thanks to Sue and Pete. The next meeting will be on Monday 12th September at 3pm, at Judi Johnson’s House, Ivy Cottage.
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