Patrick Brompton Community Events Committee 8th February 2016
The meeting was opened at 3pm. In attendance : Judith, Linda, Judi, Pete, Sue, Wendy, Penny, Helen. Apologies from: Margaret, Judy. Approval of Minutes. The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair. Matters arising: Correction: Judy N has sent a message to say Alistair Clarke is a Church Warden not as previously stated the Treasurer but he is still happy to receive monies on behalf of the church. Film Club and Licence Pete P is to contact Ken Blackwood of the Northallerton Rotary Club to arrange the first 2 or 3 showings and will give the dates to Wendy to book the Schoolroom. Ken has offered to loan the equipment to the village and will come and show the first 2 or 3 films until volunteers from Patrick Brompton feel confident to take it on. Pete will apply for a licence to take effect from May. The choice of films was discussed. Penny will make a slip for the next coffee morning to gauge opinion on the kinds of films people want. Constitution; There was discussion of the need for a constitution for the film group and also for the Events committee in general. Pete has offered to look into types of constitutions held by other groups and report back to the next meeting. 90th Birthday of H.M the Q Judy (Church link) was not present at the meeting and so no further progress could be made towards linking in with planned church events. It was decided to book the Schoolroom for 11th and 12th June as provisional dates for events. Wendy to book There was agreement that the group would support/contribute to an exhibition of village life over the past 90 years to take place in church. Judy N to be asked to find out what the church are doing and co-ordinate our help with their activities. Penny to speak to Judy N. about this. Newton le Willows Newsletter Pete confirmed that the Parish Council agreed on 18.11.15 to fund the cost of printing the Newton News for PB. Pete has offered to help out with the production of the Patrick Brompton copies of the Newton News and to contact Newton News group re their decision to go ahead with this or not. Penny also offered to help if needed. It was suggested that these be distributed around PB for a year after which a decision could be made on the value of continuing. We await confirmation from the production ‘team’ in Newton that we can begin this arrangement. PB fliers are to be distributed with the Newton News to both villages if agreement is reached. Penny to produce flier for next Newton News ASAP. Treasurer’s Report Judi J reported that monies are being held from the AD fund until 1st April by Robert Hudson Parish Council Treasurer. He will hand this over to our group to be ring-fenced until April as soon as we have a bank account. Judi informed the group that an application was made 2 weeks ago to Barclays in Bedale and we await the creation of the account. She will hasten them. A spreadsheet has been set up to keep a record of all monies taken and paid out. Hire costs for the Schoolroom are billed every 2 to 3 months by Mrs V Nelson. No bills have been received to date. Judi explained that 2 out of the 3 officers of the committee are needed to approve any transaction. Event committee share of the coffee morning funds after deductions was £81.70 in Jan and £103.50 in February . Coffee Morning Rota There was discussion of the two events to date and an update of the rota. Linda will update the rota with new names and all phone numbers and circulate it after the meeting. Thanks to Judith Cockburn for the purchase of some small vases for table flowers at future events. Could anyone who is unable to fulfil their date on the rota PLEASE phone around and try to swap with someone else? Thanks. A letter has been sent to the Atkinson Trust Chair asking for storage space in the Schoolroom to provide a permanent ‘home’ for the essentials box. Update: The letter resulted in a reply on Mon 8th evening to the effect that we can have space but that the box we currently use is too big to fit the cupboard (by 10cm). (New box?) It was decided after a very long and well supported raffle in Feb that there had been too many prizes and a maximum of 10 prizes should be offered, the rest kept back for next time. Spending Plans One cafetiere and one pump container for hot milk are to be purchased by Judi J. Funds will be taken from the total at each coffee morning for the purchase of tea, coffee, sugar and squash as necessary. Judi J will purchase these for next month. ALL PLEASE NOTE: The box should be checked immediately after each coffee morning, and a list passed on to Judi J showing whatever is needed to replenish the box, ready for the next coffee morning.(coffee, tea, sugar or squash) Judy N to inform church members on the rota that this will be done on behalf of all teams and the money extracted from the takings before the money is split. Future Events Website launch to take place at coffee morning 5th March. Quiz night – 22nd April. Wendy to ask pub to cater. Penny to print flier and tickets once details are known. Wild flower planting – Robert Hudson has offered to investigate wild flower seed suppliers. Linda to follow up for next meeting. Bulb Planting and Soup - Saturday 8th October. All members to investigate cost of daffodil bulbs and possible suppliers. Hilary Clarke to be asked again for a date for the Beetle Drive. Wendy to follow up. Penny to approach Gainford Church re Murder Mystery Evening in May or September. Craft club – Sue reports that this is an enjoyable occasion. New members always welcome. Drop in for a cuppa without craft if you wish. Hanging baskets, planters and front gardens - It was suggested that we plant red, white and blue displays as a tribute to HM the Q. The meeting closed at 4.45pm with thanks to Sue
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