PATRICK BROMPTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NO 92, 20TH JANUARY 2016 Councillors present: Ormston, Shepherd, Hudson, Bull, Philpott About 12 members of the public were also present.
b) Cllr Bull told the meeting he would be responsible for replacement boards being set up in the bus shelter. Cllr Hudson reported that the cost of repairing the bus shelter’s tiled roof could be as much as £2000, but that cheaper ways could probably be found if we confined ourselves to re-felting the existing roof to prevent any further rain damage. Cllr Hudson also reported that the re-surfacing of Church Road could cost about £1000, but more extensive repairs could be as much as £4000. He made the suggestion that both pieces of work could be categorised as ‘heritage projects’ connected to The Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations, and that the Highways Department might contribute to the Church Road repairs. Cllr Hudson would get proper quotations for both jobs, Cllr Bull would contact the Highways Department and Cllr Ormston would investigate possible sources of funding c) Councillors agreed (proposed Cllr Ormston, Seconded Cllr Shepherd) that the existing precept should be increased by about £25.00 per household in order to allow for the cost of a paid Clerk, and that the existing Clerk would organise for a letter to be circulated to parishioners explaining the increase. d) Cllr Shepherd reported that he understood that there was an offer from Crabtree Hall to provide an internet connection to the School Room through the Village Hall Group. The Atkinson-Clerk trustees will need to discuss and then give approval for a mast to be attached to the roof of the School Room that would facilitate internet access. If approved the room could then be used by parishioners for courses on computer use. e) Cllr Shepherd told the meeting the purchase of the phone box was nearing completion, and that the box would need a fresh coat of paint, and would retain the lighting, though Cllr Hudson pointed out that there could be a standing charge for electricity of about £12 f) Cllr Shepherd had met with officials from the Highways Department, who had agreed to provide and pay for a new village sign, but that traffic engineers would need to give their approval for the sign to be mounted into a small stone wall g) Cllr Shepherd gave a progress report: the website was in the process of being built (, and the set-up costs born by the Parish Council aided by ! ! ! donations from the Community Group, though the running costs should be met by ‘sponsor-advertising’ from local businesses; Cllr Hudson had taken photographs that could be used to illustrate the site; Cllr Ormston would contact YLCA to make sure this arrangement was acceptable. On a related topic, Cllr Hudson requested that money being held on behalf of the Community Group (including money collected for possibly having to fight an appeal regarding the Digester) be transferred to their bank account as soon as possible. h) Cllr Philpott read out a letter from the St Patrick’s PCC thanking the Council for its contribution towards the upkeep of the churchyard. i) Cllr Shepherd clarified the situation: proceeds from Saturday coffee mornings would be shared equally between the Church and the Community Group. j) Cllr Bull stated that it was still possible to request money from the YLCA’s transparency fund for the purchase of a Parish computer; Cllr Bull would take the lead in making a bid before the February 15th deadline. k) Councillor’s had no contribution to make to the Richmondshire Mineral and Waste Plan. l) Cllr Hudson had pursued the issue of silting under the bridge: the Highways Department had said it was not their responsibility, but that of the local landowners, although the Drainage Board had felt that Highways should accept some responsibility; Cllr Hudson would continue to sort the issue out by talking to the ‘flood risk management’ team at NYCC. 4) a) Cllr Bull that the Highways Department had little money to spend on necessary improvements to the junction, and the local police had no interest in extending the 30 mph speed limit to the crossroads in order to make it safer; Mr Catterick suggested that the crossroad itself would benefit from being re-aligned. b) Cllr Philpott told the meeting that the misleading sign in Crakehall had now been removed. c) Cllr Hudson referred to the email form YLCA dated 23rd December, and advised that the Council should stay with the ‘Sector Led Body’, for future audits. This was agreed. 5) Cllr Hudson presented the report and organised the payment of cheques in response to recent invoices. 6) Cllrs Bull and Ormston agreed to attend the next Richmondshire Branch Meeting of the YLCA on Thursday 11th February 2016. 7) Cllr Philpott introduced the YLCA Opportunities Bulletin which set out the various sources of possible funding of Parish Council proposals. 8) The Clerk was asked to write a thank you letter to Susan Kaiser, representing the Lamb family, for their kind donation of this year’s Christmas Tree. Cllr Ormston said that he would be next on the rota for the defibrillator, and reported an unsuccessful attempt to catch the moles surfacing at Manor Green. Cllr Bull advised that risk assessments should be completed in connection with all Parish activities. The Clerk was asked to notify Richmondshire District Council of the excessive grass being allowed to grow in the area between Ashla and Dales End Farm. 8) No matters were related to the Clerk at this time. 9)The date of the next meeting was set for Wednesday 23rd March 2016.
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